BeesMax at

Behind the cricket nets at the Richard Challoner School

Earlier in November the hive was moved from within the school quadrangle to the back [...]

The Richard Challoner Queen Bee

This photo was taken in November during the last inspection and as luck would have [...]

Where the Richard Challoner School bees came from

Earlier in the year this swarm of bees landed on a bicycle in a car [...]


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BeesMAX at Richard Challoner School

Richard Challoner School has a BeesMax bee hive installed on the grounds, supporting the crucial rehoming programme from BeesMax. The hive also provides a resource for pupils as well as employees to learn about the life of bees, the programmes in place to support the regeneration of the bee population in the UK, and how their existence plays a crucial role in our lives.

Visit the hive

BeesMax provides a service where individuals and teams can book a time slot to view the hive on the grounds of Richard Challoner School, learn more about why they have been installed and the positive environmental impact the hive achieves.

Use the contact form on this page to find out more.

Request further information about bee hive viewing: 

    About our Hive Stream?

    Info about this particular ‘hive stream’ and how the data from the Arnia system can provide detailed analysis about the health of the hive.

    Link to data collected from APIStrips.

    BeesMax and Arnia IT

    Through the use of our Blue Box Rehoming Scheme, we aim to provide depleted wild colonies with a new habitat in which the bees can reorganise and restructure. As well as placing these in woodland areas, they also offer schools and businesses the opportunity to install hives on their sites.

    Arnia, similarly, is a company concerned with bee health, but from a more technical standpoint. They have developed technology that goes into a hive and records data that is sent back to the beekeeper. Sensors are fitted inside the hive in order to monitor the colony’s behaviour and these statistics are then sent, via a gateway, to the user’s devices, allowing them to better understand their own bees. The data collected can be compared across different hives using the same technology.

    After working together, both companies have decided to enter an official partnership, with BeesMAX using Arnia technology in their rehoming scheme. This opens up a whole world of educational opportunities and provides a more in-depth experience.

    So why Arnia?

    The Arnia system is unique in combining colony acoustics monitoring with brood temperature, hive humidity, hive weight and apiary weather to provide detailed insight into hive conditions and bee behaviour. No other system provides this richness of data.

    Data collection using Arnia technology in BeesMAX rehoming scheme.

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    Richard Challoner

    Positioning a beehive in a corporate or school environment

    This is just one example of how [...]


    Supporting the bee population

    We will be adding resources for people to learn about bees, how they affect our lives, and how we can all learn more and help reverse the decline of the bee population in the UK. Resources being added soon.