The Junior Bee Hive
BeesMAX uses the national STEM network to connect with teachers and the national curriculum. We go into primary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities, with our hives and add to your teaching toolkit. Rest assured we carry out all maintenance and upkeep.
Your own IT-enabled Junior Hive with be there for the staff and pupils to enjoy and learn about the bees, knowing that you will be helping to regenerate the bee population.
What we provide
We provide all the necessary equipment, time and materials within the annual rental fee as a totally outsourced service. Provided with this service are:
- Bees, their home and ongoing management of the bees
- IT data collection service and remote logins to access the graphs and pictorial displays
- Template educational material that can be modified to begin your own lesson plans
- Once a year, small amounts of your own honey comb for tasting
- A list of all the plants your bees have visited and collected pollen from
Getting involved
We are looking for primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities that have the following:
- An accessible rooftop, courtyard, or field, minimum 3m x 3m
- Funding (please contact us about the various funding and sponsorship options) to rent up to 1 x Junior Bee Hive per site containing an Arnia IT system for essential data collection
- Open to chat to us about any health and safety concerns you might have and how our current Partner Schools are finding the Junior Bee Hive experience
A closer look at the Junior Bee Hive
Would you like to know more?
We would love to explain more and go through the many benefits of having a Junior Hive on your site. You are likely to have many questions and concerns, but we are here to fully explain what is involved and how we help make the process as easy as possible.
What next?
The hardest step will be filling out the form below. Go on, we can’t wait to hear from you!
The Junior Bee Hive
For primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities.
IT Enabled Hives
Data collection from each and every hive installed to provide a richness of data and a detailed insight into hive conditions and bee behaviour.
How schools can use our bee hives
- PSHE lessons
- Enrichment programmes
- Food provenance and where does it come from
- Pollination of food crops such as tomatoes, strawberries and other soft fruits
- Why do animals hibernate? Our artificial hibernation field trials are unique in the UK
- Raw data analysis using Microbit programming tools
- Use us to connect you into the STEM resource network and our UK wide Stewardship Programme
- Canvass parents and staff and begin your own bee keeping club with our backup and guidance
Organised field trips
We provide access to organised filed trips across the UK with embedded educational services
- Kent, Bumblebee pollination of tomatoes grown under glass at APS Group
- Warwick, centre of excellence provided by the British Beekeepers Association
- Doncaster, honey spinning and bee keeping experience classes at Whitbread Hotels & Restaurants