Bourne Business Park




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Bourne Business PArk

BeesMAX at Bourne Business Park

BeesMax bee hives have been installed at Bourne Business Park supporting the crucial rehoming programme from BeesMax. The hives also provides a resource for the local community to learn about the life of bees, the programmes in place to support the regeneration of the bee population in the UK, and how their existence plays a crucial role in our lives.


The hives at Bourne Business Park

Since the original installation the BeesMAX honeybees at Bourne Business Park the location has become an important feature on the BeesMAX calendar and we’d like to thank all the staff who have championed this through to completion.

There is so much that can be learned by staff going the distance and putting on specialist beekeeping PPE and observing the interior of a colony.

Contact BeesMAX

Further Information

BeesMAX have organised some exciting beekeeping events to be held at a variety of locations where BeesMAX has hives located. Contact BeesMAX below if you’d like to be informed of all their upcoming events.


An insight into our bees

Insights and Research from the BeesMAX hives.

Using garlic and allicin as a chemical free beekeeper

Using allicin from crushed garlic as chemical free beekeepers. Understanding the research behind allicin and [...]

Chemical Free Beekeeping

Applying natural remedies that can be easily found in the environment can significantly reduce the [...]

Why is there mosquito netting on our hive?

Insects also know that the beehive is a veritable supermarket awash with shelves of food. [...]


Video Playlist

Click the ‘hamburger’ icon on the top right of the video below to see all videos in the Bourne Business Park playlist.

Photo Gallery – Bourne Business Park

Click to enlarge.


This beehive camera shows a live stream of the honeybee colony every day, 24 hours throughout the year.  Notice the clock inset displaying UK local time. Even at night the honeybees can be seen resting but still moving around.

Viewing the livestream

Get in touch

There are various facilities for you to use so please explore the time lapse clips on the left side bar. Expand to view full screen by first hovering over the bottom bar and then clicking various on the bottom right-hand side.


Over the winter this honeybee colony has survived very well and you can see several thousand in the cluster beginning to organise themselves to initiate spring breeding. The queen will probably start to lay eggs in early March.

BeesMAX and Arnia IT

Arnia is a company, like BeesMAX, concerned with bee health, but from a more technical standpoint. They have developed technology that goes into a hive and records data that is sent back to the beekeeper.

A graph showing information from the arnia system inside a honeybee hive, including the changes of the weight of the hive across a month, with the option to also see the temperature of the hive.

Arnia IT inside a hive

Sensors are fitted inside the hive in order to monitor the colony’s behaviour and these statistics are then sent, via a gateway, to the user’s devices, allowing them to better understand their own bees. The data collected can be compared across different hives using the same technology.

Our mission

So why Arnia?

The Arnia system opens up a whole world of educational opportunities and provides a more in-depth experience.

It is unique in combining colony acoustics monitoring with brood temperature, hive humidity, hive weight and apiary weather to provide detailed insight into hive conditions and bee behaviour. No other system provides this richness of data.

Our team
Arnia monitoring system attached to battery inside the wooden honeybee hive.

The Arnia IT system in action

Through the use as part of our Honeybee Rewilding Scheme, we aim to provide depleted wild colonies with a new habitat in which the bees can reorganise and restructure. As well as placing these in woodland areas, they also offer schools, individuals and businesses the opportunity to install hives on their sites to support the rewilding of our honeybee colonies.

Host A Hive

How to support Bourne Business Park’s honeybee conservation

There are a number of ways friends of Bourne Business Park can support the hives with the honeybee rewilding conservation project. Take a peek below and let us know how you’d like to help.

Contact BeesMAX

Contact us for further information about hives at Bourne Business Park, upcoming events, or hosting your own hive.