BeesMAX at Bible Society
BeesMax bee hives have been installed at Bible Society supporting the crucial rehoming programme from BeesMax. The hives also provides a resource for the local community to learn about the life of bees, the programmes in place to support the regeneration of the bee population in the UK, and how their existence plays a crucial role in our lives.
GETTING INVOLVEDThe hives at Bible Society
Since the original installation the BeesMAX honeybees at Bible Society the location has become an important feature on the BeesMAX calendar and we’d like to thank all the staff who have championed this through to completion.
There is so much that can be learned by staff going the distance and putting on specialist beekeeping PPE and observing the interior of a colony.
Contact BeesMAXFurther Information
BeesMAX have organised some exciting beekeeping events to be held at a variety of locations where BeesMAX has hives located. Contact BeesMAX below if you’d like to be informed of all their upcoming events.
Contact BeesMAX below if you’d like to be informed of all their upcoming events at Bible Society.
Buying BeesMAX Honey
Every pot of Bible Society honey sold raises money that goes directly back in to support the rewilding project.
Want to be involved?
We very much want to spread the word and increase the number of rewilding hives across the UK. Please do contact us if you’d like to find out more.
An insight into our bees
Insights and Research from the BeesMAX hives.
Pollen as food medicine
BeesMAX sells pollen in its original form straight from the legs of the bees as [...]
More...New research on small-scale planting and pollinators.
A fascinating dissection of the research on the effect small-scale planting scheme interventions are having [...]
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Click the ‘hamburger’ icon on the top right of the video below to see all videos in the Bible Society playlist.