BeesMax in Schools, Colleges ad Universities

This spring in 2023 BeesMAX will be relocating the TreeBeeRescue colonies to our schools for the Apiary Data Collection & Storage (ADC&S) project.

The extra commercial impetus facilitated by RAISE expanded the BeesMAX and Kingston University relationship because business managers at the university there saw the developmental potential for their students. This expanding relationship initiated the development of our Apiary Data Collection & Storage (ADC&S) project.

During the RAISE initiative BeesMAX had the idea to reawaken an old concept that had failed earlier attempts via the national STEM organisation. A toolkit for teaching the national curriculum using bees as a means to success.  The costs had to be minimal and the results had to be sufficiently transformative to excite an already heavily burdened teaching profession.  The new TreeBeeRescue colonies have seeded those ideas into a really new direction on education and environmental sustainability in schools.

BeesMAX has looked at beekeeping delivery in schools as another community based opportunity but we suffered various roadblocks and current beekeeping methods in schools didn’t really teach the students what they were there for which was to learn the core curriculum subjects; science, engineering, maths, innovation and problem solving.

Within the commercial beekeeping market there were lots of off-the-shelf products which Mark Gale of BeesMAX  thought, what if there were an equivalent “Meccano” self-build product that could teach the innovation and problem solving for years 10 to 13 year old students that they need to succeed in life?  So, BeesMAX became a STEM Ambassador and so started developing and piloting a product with Greycourt school, local the borough of Kingston and Richmond. That has since blossomed and morphed into our full application this autumn for an NCIL Grant


An exclusive hive safely positioned on your school site.

How schools are using our beehives

Helping reverse the decline of the bees population in the UK

  • Join the BBKA and network with their database of schools

  • PSHE lessons & enrichment programmes 

  • Food provenance and where does it come from
  • Pollination of food crops such as tomatoes, strawberries and other soft fruits
  • Contributing to biodiversity, improving local environments and ecosystems
  • Why do animals hibernate? Our artificial hibernation field trials are unique in the UK
  • Raw data analysis using Microbit programming tools
  • Use us to connect into the STEM resource network and our UK wide Stewardship Programme
  • Network with likeminded teachers creating new STEM activities
  • We are registered with the enhanced DBS service
  • The British Beekeepers Association database of Key Stage 1,2 & 3 lesson plans for schools is available through us
  • BeesMax provides access to organised field trips across the UK with embedded educational services (Surrey, Kent, Warwick, Doncaster and the Isle of Wight).
  • Canvass parents and staff and begin your own bee keeping club with our backup and guidance


A closer look at the Junior Bee Hive



REGISTER your interest by contacting us here: contact us. Let us know at this point if you are wishing to host a hive, or if you need assistance in making this decision.

We will conduct a SITE SURVEY.

A SITE SURVEY will be made if you are wishing to host a hive to ensure your property is suitable for one of our hives and possible locations for the hive(s) to be situated.

Once hive size, location and optional extras have been agreed, you will then receive an email to make PAYMENT, either annually or monthly options available. 

DELIVERY & INSTALLATION will be organised to your site that suits you and for you to enjoy your new hive(s).

You will received all the ONGOING SUPPORT and maintenance as part of your agreed package.

Watch the flowers in your local area, even fruit and vegetables, grow larger and stronger due to all the pollination from you bees.

bees making honey


A. Deciding whether you can host, adopt or share comes down to your location and your budget.

HOSTING A HIVE is when you pay for an exclusive hive that is located on your site. We will do a site survey to ensure the hive is in the best location, and we will fully manage the hive on your behalf.

ADOPTING A HIVE is when you financial support a hive that is located away from your site. Perhaps you do not have the appropriate space or the environment is not best suited. We have many locations around the UK (typically schools, National Trust land and country estates) that have been donated to us for the purpose of hosting hives for businesses, schools and individuals.

SHARING A HIVE is where individuals can contribute towards a colony’s upkeep. A few people jointly supporting their own hive that we host for you. You can visit your hive and see your colony, knowing your contribution to the BeesMax project is making a difference. 

A. All you need is an accessible rooftop, courtyard, or field, minimum 3m x 3m.

A. The bees…

Please do chat to us about any health and safety concerns you might have and how our current Partner Schools are finding the Junior Bee Hive experience.

A. BeesMax will carry out a comprehensive site survey at your location and will discuss the best options for you.

A. As little or as much as you wish. BeesMax will fully manage your hive(s) but you do have the option of learning about hive management and developing your skills. You can also engage your employees if on a business location; great for CSR too. Ask us for more details. 

A. Not to worry. We’d love your support and we can put your hive at locations around the UK on land already donated to us for use with our BeesMax project. You can also opt for the online data service to keep up to date with activity in your remote hive.

Would you like to know more?

We would love to explain more and go through the many benefits of having a Junior Hive on your site. You are likely to have many questions and concerns, but we are here to fully explain what is involved and how we help make the process as easy as possible.

Contact Us. Go on, we can’t wait to hear from you!