Livestreams & Education
Our livestreams and educational courses are aimed at helping to raise awareness, behaviour change and support in our aim to reverse the decline of the UK bee population.
In this section you will find:
- Livestreams: Our FREE Livestreams are aimed at providing you with more knowledge about the UK honeybee, its habitat and life cycle, the importance of the honeybee to our lives, the dangers to the honeybee, and how we can help make a difference.
- Livestreams Archive: Coming soon…
- The Buzz About Bees Course: Gaining a deeper understanding about bees and their impact on our environment and economy. Our changes in behaviour can make all the difference. Coming soon…
- The Natural Beekeeping Course: The aim of this course is to develop your understanding of the essential biological needs of the bee in a holistic manner, and ways in which you can support and help develop a healthy bee population in the UK.
Look out for test events advertised on the socials in September, 2021