Your Urban Honey Bee Hotel
Individuals. Businesses. Schools. Country Estates.
BeesMax manages your urban bee hotel so you have peace of mind that you are helping the wild honey bee population.
Cost for your urban honey bee hotel
Single Hotel
£500 p/yr
ideal for urban gardens
1 x service managed hive
Regular checks on hive activity & bee health
Option of BeesMax Bee Hive Box
Options for data collection, training and engagement
£750 p/yr
ideal for larger gardens and estate grounds
2 x fully managed hives
Regular checks on hive activity & bee health
Option of BeesMax Bee Hive Box
Options for data collection, training and engagement
multiple bee hotels and ideal for those wanting honey
Multiple hives fully managed
Half day engagement session
Harvesting of honey from your hive(s), spinning, jarring and personalised labels
Options for data collection, training and engagement
Optional extras:
You don’t just have to host a hive. If you wish you can opt for our ‘Training and Engagement‘ programme (from £75 per year) and include an Arnia™ data collection system in your hive (£150 per hive per year) to monitor bee activity and behaviour.
The data collected from our hives provides a UK-wide environmental footprint, helping us with our aim of reversing the decline of the honey bee in the UK.
All packages include:
- Survey of your site for hive suitability
- Hive installation
- Care and regeneration of colonies
- Swarm prevention & management
- Winter hive insulation
- Treatment for diseases using only natural non-manufactured ingredients
- Immediate replacement should the colony abscond
- Pollination of the local area
- Minimum one year fully serviced installation